by Beau Blight
Creator Bio:

Ash is a high school student struggling to find the words to describe who they are, all whilst dealing with bullying from their peers. This short film follows Ash as they use poetry to explore their gender through the rough landscape of highschool.
Director Biography:
Beau Blight is a 24-year-old non-binary person, and advocate for queer and prisoner rights. Creatively, Beau is mostly known as the director and writer of short film They/Them, and works primarily on queer fiction. Academically, they are training to be a clinical psychologist, and research in health and forensic psychology fields.
Director Statement: I wrote and directed They/Them during my year of film school when I was 18, and it was one of the most cathartic exercises I've ever done. At the time, I was still struggling to accept myself as a non-binary person, largely due to the negative experiences I'd had in high school (a lot like Ash!), but through this film I found so much support. I know this isn't the perfect film, our budget was small and our experience was limited, but I and my team poured our hearts into it, and I think that's why so many have connected to it.
Beau Blight - Director
Beau Blight - Writer
Beau Blight - Producer
Daryan D'Aguiar - Key Cast
Zoe Dornbursch - Key Cast
Rebecca Burgess - Key Cast