Help make
the film

Be a part of our 1st annual LGBT Online Coming Out Film Festival. Your sponsorship is critical in helping to give voice to queer film makers, especially in the world we're living in.
sponsorship benefits
Movies and film have the power to connect us as a community; to share our sorrows and our victories. Our community has always had to fight to be seen. Your support can help us give a much needed space for LGBTQ+ creators to share their visions of what it can mean to come out. Help us make this a success!
"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do."
-Brené Brown
Your support will allow us to provide amazing LGBTQ+ storytelling
to a community that often lacks representation in their lives
Tier 1: $500
-Acknowledgment on social media
-Logo prominently displayed on the LGBT Online Coming Out Film Festival website
Thank you for your support!
To sponsor the Film Festival please follow this two step process:
Step 1.
Fill out the Sponsorship Form, indicate your tier and how you would like to pay, and upload your graphics.
Step 2.
Follow instructions for payment.
Deadline for sponsorship is August 1, 2024
Step 1.
Not ready to sponsor
just yet?
Download sponsorship form below.
Deadline is August 1, 2024. ​